7th metting The Circle | 27 Outubro 2021


O sétimo encontro do The Circle reuniu algumas das empresas da rede e foi enquadrado no BIN@Porto. Além das dinâmicas, apresentações e networking habitual foi apresentado o novo parceiro da rede: a UPTEC. Os parceiros Santander Universidades e Porto Business School também marcaram presença.

Mais sobre o 7º encontro aqui. 


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6th metting The Circle | 21 November 2019


O sexto encontro do The Circle reuniu algumas das 91 empresas da rede e foi enquadrado no Entreprenow 2019. Subordinado ao tema “Futuro”, este encontro auscultou as empresas  nas temáticas financiamento,  comunicação/divulgação,  desenvolvimento de produto,  internacionalização e formação. Foram também discutidas as melhores formas para os membros da rede se ajudarem, cada vez mais, entre si.

Mais sobre o 6º encontro aqui

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5th metting The Circle | 23 May 2019


O quinto encontro do The Circle, que já conta com 81 empresas, foi enquadrado no Digital Health Venture Forum, no qual duas spin-offs da U.Porto foram premiadas. Subordinado ao tema “Super-Heroes”, este encontro desafiou as spin-offs a falarem sobre os seus superpoderes, traduzidos no que as torna únicas e importantes, mas também deu espaço para que os empreendedores expusessem os seus desafios e preocupações atuais.

Mais sobre o 5º encontro aqui


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4th The Circle Gathering | 27 Novembre 2018


“The Circle” has grown to a network of 77 companies at the date of its fourth meet-up, where another partner for the club was presented, Porto Business School. This meet-up took place at Entreprenow, an event which aimed to promote technology-based entrepreneurship and innovation that had, among other sessions, a discussion panel about Porto’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and another moment for two spin-offs (Veniam and Didimo) to share their entrepreneurial journey for everyone in attendance. A networking moment for The Circle and the event’s participants closed off the day.


More on the 3rd The Circle Gathering here.


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3rd The Circle | 29 May 2017


“The Circle” has grown to a network of 77 companies at the date of its fourth meet-up, where another partner for the club was presented, Porto Business School. This meet-up took place at Entreprenow, an event which aimed to promote technology-based entrepreneurship and innovation that had, among other sessions, a discussion panel about Porto’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and another moment for two spin-offs (Veniam and Didimo) to share their entrepreneurial journey for everyone in attendance. A networking moment for The Circle and the event’s participants closed off the day.


More on the 3rd The Circle Gathering here.


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2nd The Circle Gathering | 13 September 2017


The second meeting of The Circle was attended by 50 entrepreneurs from more than 30 companies. To date, the group was composed of 48 companies, most of which participated in the event that took place at the Hotel Vincci, Porto. This time, the companies were divided into effective working groups in order to find, together with the elements of U.Porto Inovação, the best strategy for The Circle.

More on the 2nd The Circle Gathering here.


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1st The Circle Gathering | 15 July 2016


At the opening meeting of The Circle, which took place at Clube Universitário do Porto, 12 companies were present, not Spin-offs U.Porto but also startups who have licensed and use technology generated at the University. "The companies we helped create are the raison d'être of the third mission of the University of Porto" - were the words of Carlos Brito, pro-rector of the University of Porto for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

More on the 1st The Circle Gathering here.


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